Entire-body PET Scans for Multiple Sclerosis

EPSMS Study Help

Online registration forms are now available for the EPSMS Clinical Trial. If you wish to participate in our EPSMS Study, first register a secure user account. Then you will be able to complete an eligibility screen and sign an informed consent after discussing it with a clinician. If you intend to have your PET scan done in La Jolla at UCSD in Southern California, please download and read the UCSD informed consent. If you prefer to have your PET scan done at another imaging center, such as the Northern California PET Imaging Center (NCPIC) in Sacramento, please download and read the BHA informed consent. A detailed list of inclusion and exclusion criteria for the EPSMS Study can be found in the published report Research Protocol for Exploratory Study of Entire-body PET , revised as the Amended Protocol for Exploratory Study of Entire-body PET , available to the public at our Brainiacs Journal. If you have any questions, please inquire via the contact form.

EPSMS Participants: Inclusion Criteria
EPSMS Participants: Exclusion Criteria